learning | scheming | creating
Under the atLarge Design brand, I support global and national organizations through business transformation, develop scalable enterprise experiences from concept to implementation, and enable cross-functional, multi-disciplinary teams to effectively launch and continuously improve service experiences.

It is as important to me that I enable others to contribute as it is to be the invited subject matter expert.

I joke I only know how to speak in pictograms as I believe in the power of showing over telling.

At my core I am a maker and I take any chance available to get my hands dirty doing.

I consider it an incredible honor any time I am invited to share my work as my goal is always to inspire others.

The incredibly talented individuals I have been fortunate to work with continually push me to improve and advance my practice.

As I have learned so much from others, I do what I can to pass on my experiences so others may benefit as I have.

Every year I set aside time to for personal and professional development whether it be attend a conference, participate in a design trip, or host a creative event.

From rural small towns, to urban big cities, the places I have lived have had a substantial influence on who I am and what I do.
Creative Facilitation | Business Model Innovation | Venture Scaling | Service Marketing | Portfolio Management | Knowledge Management | Change Management | Learning Design | Customer Experience Management | Program and Project Management | Community Development | Lean, Scrum, and Agile Methodologies
Global | Commercial Operations | Business Systems | Consumer | Enterprise | Healthcare | Insurance | Social Impact | Non-profit
Whether you want to geek out with a like-minded individual, are looking for a professional mentor, or have an interesting opportunity to discuss, I would love to hear from you!